Healing Hippie Organics
Handmade Therapeutic Essential Oil Remedies & Skin Care
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Muscle Mist - Body Aches & Pain Relief : 8oz. Bottle
Muscle Mist is the all in one Pain Killer, Body Ache Reliever, Migraine Shocker Mist! It has a Zesty Cool Minty Fresh Aroma, with a twist of earth, and works deep in your Muscle Tissue and bones to stop the pain.
Hand Brewed to perfection and Infused with 84 Trace Minerals and ancient magnesium from the Earth's Roots. Muscle Mist is PH Balanced with Organic Cold Pressed Aloe Vera, and healing Witch Hazel.
Muscle Mist assists with rebuilding your vital nutrient function, by absorbing your nutrients through the dermis of the skin. This Mist has been carefully designed by combining science and Nature.
Our proprietary blend of 100 % Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil blend has been carefully perfected to bring about the very best results!
Boasting a guaranteed 100 Drops of Therapeutic GC/MS Tested Essential Oils Per Bottle! Muscle Mist Stimulates blood flow while providing a Mild Cooling, Tingling sensation.
Try If you Suffer From:
All Forms of Body, Bone, and Joint Pain, RLS, Fibromayalgia, Migraines, Headaches, Diabetic Nerve Pain, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis, Stroke Victims, Heart related issues, Miscarriage, Growing Pains (Kids) (See Usage Guide Below), Broken Bones, Sore Muscles from working out, Ligament pain, Osteoporosis, Back Injury, Hip displacement pain, Sciatica Relief, Magnesium deficiency (Eye Twitching), Body Stress, Torn Muscles & Ligaments, and Much More!
How Too:
Use Muscle Mist
Everyone has a different pain tolerance level, so we suggest start out using as much mist, on clean skin, as you can tolerate, until the pain "breaks" then continue using regularly while symptoms persist.
Adults: Generously Mist on Area of pain. Include surrounding surface area to ensure maximum therapeutic results and increase absorption rate into skin.
(Suggested Areas for Daily Therapeutic results and Maximum Nutrient Absorption: Back of Neck, Crown of head, Wrists, Feet, Legs, Stomach.)
**Always use essential oils with discretion around children, as they are very potent, and can cause irritation to sensitive skin.**
Recommended Usage:
Age: 0-2 years of Age. No Contact. Do Not Use on Baby.
Age: 2 to 5: Very light use on body, Parent Needs to mist into their hand first, then apply primarily to child's feet. This mist can be lightly used to alleviate constipation pain, by rubbing mist onto child's Stomach and lower back. **(Suggested 1 to 5 squirts into parents hands, then apply as detailed.)** (If child has sensitive skin, take extra precaution) Best For Parent to Mist onto your hands first then transfer to your child's area of Pain.
Age: 6 to 12:
Mist can be applied to Wrists, Feet, Forehead, Crown of Head, Lower back, Stomach, Legs (Growing Pains) **Always Use Discretion when putting Essential oil Remedies on Your Child(ren).
Adults: 12+
1. Soak Areas of pain, lightly rub into skin, and let your skin absorb the mineral mineral mist. (More is always Better!)
2. Morning Routine: Mist onto Shoulders, Heart area, and Stomach.
- This may help with calming the Vegus Nerve, and inflammation.
3. Night Routine: Mist onto Stomach, Legs, and bottoms of feet.
- This may help with Restless Leg Syndrom, and Inflammation.
The Feet have multiple nerve endings, and when you apply Muscle Mist to these suggested areas Daily, can assist with your long term health goals.
** Muscle mist can be applied every three to 4 hours, or as needed.
It is NON-Habit forming, and Is One of the Best "tools" to add to your Daily Healing, and Healthy Habits.